I must say almost everything we learned in class about Photoshop was new to me. I had never worked with Photoshop before so it was a new experience to me. To be honest, I do not really like working with graphics a whole lot and just like to put pictures into a powerpoint and use them as a plain visual aid.
However, I do think it is important to learn. I can now certainly add to my web page in the future and enhance the visual stimuli for students to learn from. I believe that it is important that I know how to use these skills. It is cool to be able to take a simple image and transform it into something that looks really neat and comprehensive. I can certainly make my website more appealing visually now because I have these skills.
I do not really think this should be taught in schools because I don't think outside of a possible computer science class it is very relevant. It is also very expensive to purchase the programs and there are schools who cannot necessarily afford them. It is important but I think it is advanced for students even in high school to learn and sometimes difficult to explain things. As a social studies teacher, I do not see the value for this in my curriculum. However, that is my opinion and if I was asked to instruct students on these skills, I would certainly explore it.
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